[First Bloom Daycares] Arrival and Departure
Dear {{first_name}},
Saying hello and goodbye to our loved ones might take time for us.
But don’t worry! We are here to make it easy for you along the way.
You can spend little time with your child upon arrival and say “See you later!” instead of a goodbye. You can also let them bring their favorite toy to be with them in the daycare. With a little too big transition, your child will get used to his/her routines in-home and in the daycare.
Check out our drop-off and pick-up requirements for this year.
- Masks must be worn by families at Drop-off and Pick-up at all times.
- Front door will be open, if there is a child being dropped off you must wait outside.
- Hand Sanitizer is by the Front Door.
- While we are taking your child’s temperature, complete the Daily Heath Scan form on your mobile device. You must include your child’s temperature in the form. If your child is warm, you must wait a couple of minutes and take the temperature again.
- Parents/guardians must confirm that the child does not have fever, shortness of breath or cough.
- A visual inspection of the child for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.
If your child has any symptoms, you will be asked to take your child home. A child that has fever (99.9 or above) will not be allowed back into care for 14 days. This includes teething. A child who has any symptoms will not be allowed back into care for 5 days. - Children are to remove shoes before coming in and changing into daycare exclusive socks.
- Parents are to remain by the door in the hallway.
Grandparents and any adult who are considered high risk should refrain from pick-up or drop-off. - Once parents leave, respectfully, we will disinfectant spray and wipe down door handles.
- Families can contact the center 5-10 minutes prior to arriving via Call or ProCare messages so we can have your child ready.
- Parents are encouraged to use our handwashing station before receiving their child.
- To continue social distancing, we will be restricting pick conversation reports. If you have any questions, we can have a quick 2-minute conversation or we can schedule a call.
We want to help in every way we can.
Thank you parents and stay safe!
For any questions or clarifications, don’t hesitate to message us through this email thread.
With love,
Mrs. Mariela Eduardo and Team
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Check out this month’s blog: